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Would You Like To Get Involved?


Below you can see the different ways that you can get involved with the Project in addition to attending one of our fundraising/promotional events/stalls.

For more information about getting involved, or to register your interest, simply fill in the Contact Form at the bottom of the page, and we will get back to you as quickly as we can.



The project is always open to Sponsorships and Donations from generous, willing individuals and groups.


Sponsorships are long term agreements, and would involve both parties promoting the other as is appropriate.  Monetary donations are usually not part of a sponsorship agreement.

Donations are usually one-off offerings, and can be anything from materials to cash.  You can give a one-off donation using the Donate button below, or contact us to discuss donating materials.



Shades is a collaborative project, meaning that many people will be getting involved over the course of the process.  Whenever we require a specific talent or aesthetic, we will post any available roles here.


Modelling Role: Barghest - Dark coloured dog needed to fill the role of Barghest!



We love to talk about the project, and are always happy to share our thoughts and feelings.  So if you are interested in joining us for a cup of tea and a chat, or perhaps inviting us over to your office, we would love to speak with you!


Simply send us a message using the box below and we will get back to you.


Please remember though, this is not a full time venture for us, so it may take a while to find a time that suits everyone required!


Contact the Project

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