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Welcome to 2020

I would just like to say to all my followers:


I know that I am a bit late with it, but I wish you all joy and happiness for the year ahead.

So, what have I got planned for this year coming?

1. Cleaning up my online presences

-- At the moment, my broad mix of skills and hobbies is pretty much smashed across two online presences without much direction or thought between the two. This year I hope to bring some more direction and cohesion by completely separating these out and giving them a better sense of identity and purpose. To that end, anything concerning photography, contemporary art or general writing will remain with this identity. All things concerning Geek Culture, Cosplay, gaming and general technology will now be linked to my "Aelyrya" identity.

2. Getting back into the swing of creating

-- I have been very, VERY bad when it comes to creating over the past few years. A lot of the time I tell people that I just "haven't had any good ideas or inspiration lately", but that really isn't true. I have had a large number of ideas and an absolute flood of inspiration. The problem has been that I have not been mentally capable of getting myself into the habit of acting on them. I have been struggling with my mental health for a long time, and it takes a lot out of me to go to work and complete my household chores, even with the medication. This, honestly, doesn't leave me with a lot of mental energy to get on and be creative. However, I have decided that enough is enough. I have resolved to spend more time doing the things that I enjoy, rather than just doing the things that need doing. I have set myself up with a list of ideas that I want to explore this year, as well as ways that I can do this that will not impact poorly on my ability to do my usual day-to-day routines.

3. Improve my health

-- I recently switched to a role in Stock at the day-job, and it requires a lot more walking around than either of my previous two jobs. My legs feel like they are on fire after only two days of it, and last night I discovered that I can no longer stretch my legs as far as I used to be able to. This is something that I should have seen coming really - I was showing signs of being of a low fitness level while working at the Council, so after another year of little to no physical activity I really can't be surprised that I hurt so much!

I have resolved to take better care of myself, both physically and mentally; partly because I don't want my legs to constantly be on fire, but also because if I don't, then this is only going to get worse to the point where I will not be able to work, and I can't afford that.

4. Finish a project

-- I have a lot of unfinished projects laying around at the moment. Most of them are for Shades, some of them are for Alternative Fashion ideas I had, and others still are ideas for paintings and digital drawings that I want to explore. I have decided to simplify things down though - rather than saying "I want to finish all my unfinished projects", I am making it a commitment to simply finish ONE; be this an unfinished one, or a completely new one. I think that by focusing on achieving one simple idea, I am more likely to be motivated to complete it, and less likely to feel overwhelmed by the prospect of it.

5. Write more

-- Yes, this one is pretty self-evident. I don't write enough, and this needs to end. I have already committed to keeping a private diary to help me with my planning and mental health issues, but I am also hoping that it will inspire me to write more as a whole. I would like to explore more poetry and short stories, so perhaps I will add my attempts on here for feedback and reflection!

What are your New Years Lists? Do you have any plans or projects for the year ahead?

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